Why did you decide to work with Studiopresto among other contractors?
Liked the portfolio
You were recommended to me
Easy to communicate
You offered the best price
Type your option
Please, write your option
Please, choose an option
What did you enjoy in your experience with Studiopresto?
Meeting all deadlines
Easy to communicate
Your expertise
The result was better than expected
Type your option
Please, write your option
Please, choose an option
What was missing or disappointing in your experience with Studiopresto?
Some deadlines were overdue
It was hard to communicate
The result was worse than expected
I liked everything
Type your option
Please, write your option
Please, choose an option
How can we improve your experience with Studiopresto?
Give more detailed feedback about the project
Better estimate milestones cost and timelines
Be more honest in case of difficulties
Communicate with me more often/less often
Type your option
Please, write your option
Please, choose an option
How likely are you to recommend Studiopresto to a friend or colleague?
I will definitely recommend you
Most likely I will recommend you
Only if there is no alternative
Most likely I will not recommend you
I will never recommend you
Please, choose an option
May we contact you to follow up on these responses?
Please, choose an option
In the future, would you be willing to take this survey again?
Please, choose an option
Would you be comfortable to be our reference for other clients?
Please, choose an option
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